CMX Partner Named CEO and Board Member of Cannabis Growth Opportunity Corporation (December 29, 2020)
29 Dec 2020 | News

CMX Partner Named CEO and Board Member of Cannabis Growth Opportunity Corporation (December 29, 2020)
29 Dec 2020 | News
CMX Partner Named CEO and Board Member of Cannabis Growth Opportunity Corporation (December 29, 2020)
29 Dec 2020 | News
Paul J. CrathDecember 29, 2020
To our Clients and Friends:
We are pleased to announce that our partner, Paul Crath, a co-founder of Crath Miller & Xistris LLP, and Head of our Capital Markets practice group, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer and a Director of Cannabis Growth Opportunity Corporation (âCGOCâ) (CSE: CGOC), a cannabis focused investment corporation with both public and private cannabis holdings.
CGOC is a merchant bank that offers unique global exposure to the emerging global cannabis sector. CGOCâs main objective is to provide shareholders long-term total return through its actively managed portfolio of securities, both public and private, operating in, or that derive a portion of their revenue or earnings from products or services related to the cannabis industry. CGOC believes they are well-positioned with a diversified portfolio across multiple jurisdictions and sectors within the cannabis industry, and that this positioning will be a key benefit in generating shareholder value as the overall industry is showing positive growth for 2021 and beyond.
Paulâs role at CMX allows him to continue to operate as an active business executive, investor and consultant helping companies with their growth, expansion and capital needs in the US and Canada.
Paul is the Managing Director of Tarra Partners Inc., a merchant bank that acts as investment principal and provider of advisory services in institutional real estate, infrastructure, private equity and lending transactions. He is also a Director and Interim Chief Executive Officer of Nebu Resources Inc., Interim CEO of Highvista Gold Inc. and a Director of McLaren Resources Corporation and Aion Therapeutic Inc. and serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Ahmic Energy Group Inc., a merchant bank investing in cannabinoids, ancillary services to that sector, and technology companies. In joining CGOC, Mr. Crath sees an opportunity to develop a complimentary and accretive platform with certain portfolio companies of CGOC and strategic investments currently held in portfolios under his management.
See CGOC Press Release (11-26-20)
Paul can be reached at and at +1 (347) 835-9032
CMXLaw has offices in New York and California.
Crath Miller & Xistris LLP
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